Team Tracker

Below you will find the specific sweep details about an MLB team for a given season. You will find the total number of series, series sweeps, times the team failed to complete a sweep, times swept and times prevented being swept broken down by home and road series. Looking for dates and opponents? Check out the Team by Season pages.

Sweep Data current through series ended August 11, 2024.

Milwaukee Brewers Sweep data during the 1999 Season

Longest Sweep Streak:
Longest Swept Streak:
Category 2 Game Series 3 Game Series 4 Game Series 5 Game Series Total Series
Total Series
Total Series3418052
Swept a Series05005
Lost the final game of a potential sweep03003
Was Swept15006
Won the final game to prevent a sweep291012
Category 2 Game Series 3 Game Series 4 Game Series 5 Game Series Total Series
Home Series
Total Series at Home2204026
Swept a Series at Home00000
Lost the final game of a potential sweep at home02002
Was Swept at Home13004
Won the final game to prevent a sweep at home15006
Category 2 Game Series 3 Game Series 4 Game Series 5 Game Series Total Series
Road Series
Total Series on the Road1214026
Swept a Series on the Road05005
Lost the final game of a potential sweep on the road01001
Was Swept on the Road02002
Won the final game to prevent a sweep on the road14106